At Workplace Mediation Scotland we provide a specialist workplace mediation service for organisations who have employees in Scotland. We understand that a dispute between members of staff, or between employees and your organisation, is damaging for all concerned. We know how to use mediation to help people resolve their differences in a confidential setting.
Giles Woolfson is a workplace mediator based in Glasgow and is a solicitor specialising in employment law. His aim is simple: engage with those involved to help find a solution, whether the problem is between employees or with the organisation itself. Workplace mediation involves a unique kind of process which significantly increases the prospect of a resolution.
You are welcome to contact us and speak directly with Giles who is happy to discuss matters with you.
"I raised a grievance after being bullied at work. The grievance process did not help to make the situation better, but mediation allowed me to be heard and understood."
Workplace Mediation
Mediation is often the best alternative to a grievance process which isn't working. The employees speak directly with each other. This creates a unique environment and opens up the possibility of outcomes which hadn’t previously been considered.
Workplace mediation can be used to resolve many situations, including personality clashes, workplace bullying, harassment, discrimination, stress at work and contractual disputes. Mediation can help two employees, or a whole team.
Where legal proceedings have been raised, workplace mediation can be used to find a resolution acceptable to the employee and the organisation which avoids the uncertainty, risk, cost and time associated with legal action.